We Offer a Variety of E Cig Starter Kits for Those Wanting to Jump Into the Realm of Vaping

If you are thinking about vaping as an alternative to traditional tobacco, you will need the necessary wares. We offer a variety of e cig starter kits for those wanting to jump into the realm of vaping. We also have a few sale items that are awesome products at a great price. Check them out.

On sale now, this eCap Starter Kit is similar to the CE5 but a bit smaller. Take vaping to a whole new level with the eCap’s clean and crisp vapor that holds the flavor you expect in a high-quality product. The powerful battery means you can enjoy vaping all day without the need to recharge. There is no need to suffer from messy cartridge fillings as e juice is filled directly from the bottle nozzle by simply removing the mouthpiece.

Also on sale is our Exhale 510 Tank Kit. With this 510T, messy dripping and cartridge refilling is a thing of the past as the tanks are easily filled directly from the bottle. This 510T system includes a special 510 atomiser and tank cartridge as well as 510 automatic batteries. This tank system provides you with that clean and crisp vapor you demand. Using the 510T is as simple as filling the tank cartridge, screwing the atomizer onto the battery and you are ready for an awesome vaping experience.

We want to remind you to keep nicotine cartridges in a safe place away from children. Nicotine in pure form can be dangerous. 

20th Mar 2014

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