Propylene Glycol & Vegetable Glycerine - Are They Safe?

Propylene Glycol & Vegetable Glycerine - Are They Safe?

As with any subject, vaping seems to have its share of misconceptions, misinformation and simple confusion. To be honest, this really shouldn't come as any surprise when you consider the youth of the vaping industry and the overwhelming amount of contradictory press and conflicting scientific (sic) studies that have been floating around. 

Luckily you have Exhale Electronic Cigarettes and its Blog that will help you to cut through all the smoke...eeeer wait, better make that vapour.... We want to make sure that you have the information you need.

Today, we're going to start talking about eliquid or ejuice as it often called and in particular the little PG (Propylene Glycol) and VG (Vegetable Glycerine) that you see on the bottle as the main ingredients. 

Health and Safety Concerns

Firstly, let's lay aside any concerns you may have regarding the safety of inhaling the vapour produced by either of these compounds. I know, Auntie B has been waving red flags of late, but remember that the "Chicken Little's" stay in business by scaring the wits out of you! So right here, these are the facts for you.

Propylene Glycol

If you take a few minutes and do a quick search on the TOXNET ( you'll find that Propylene Glycol has had close to 5000 studies which go back more than 70 years performed on its safety.

It has been tested on dogs, cats, rats, bats, monkeys, hares and yes, even a few hapless humans. 

It has been tested as a solid, a liquid, a gel, as powder and as vapour

It is in fact one of the most tested chemicals to have ever been used in food, medicines, cosmetics and a host of other consumer products.

The net results of these thousands of research projects and millions of pounds being spent is that PG is, as they say, 'Generally Regarded As Safe'.

Vegetable Glycerine

While Vegetable Glycerine may not have had quite as much money poured into its study, you can't exactly say that it is new on the market either. Its research history only goes back about 55 years and in that time a paltry 500 or so studies have been performed. The results though have been exactly the same.. Every regulatory body on our small planet consider it 'Generally Regarded As Safe' for human consumption orally, anally (yes,up the bum), intravenously and.. ta-dah a vapour.

I hope this information helps to put some of your fears to rest. In my personal opinion (and that is all that it is, just one writer's opinion) there are way too many Nosey Nellies looking for an excuse to interfere in other peoples lives. I wonder if they have ever heard the expression "The road to hell is paved with good intentions."

In our next article we will attempt to explain the effects that VG and PG have on your electronic cigarette life span and in the vaping experience overall. It should be a great help to new vapers as well to those who have advanced to the point of buying or even mixing in order to make their own custom eliquids.

For more tips, tricks and the latest happenings in the e-cig world, make sure to Like the Exhale Cigarettes fan page on Facebook.

24th Mar 2016 Daniel Frater

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