Our top tips to help you prolong your e-cig battery life.

For smokers the e-cig has been a life saver. Quite literally. Having an e-cig means we can enjoy a few puffs whilst we're at work, at home or out socially without the odour and damaging effects on our health.

But there is one downside. And that’s battery life.

If you’ve turned or are considering turning towards e-cigs and away from real cigarettes, then the battery life could become a problem. Imagine - you’re on a night out with friends, having a few drinks and then your e-cig dies. All your friends still smoke. You’ve had a bit to drink; it’s much more likely that in this situation it would be all to easy to beg 'just one' from a friend and then risk reverting to normal cigs.

So, how can we avoid this sort of scenario - 

Yes, you can buy larger, more powerful batteries that’ll see you through the day, or you can make sure you have a spare with you, but did you know that there are also a few things you can do to prolong the life of your battery?

Use it regularly – The battery in your e-cig is designed to be used frequently. So, if you’re only using it every couple of weeks you’re going to see deterioration in battery life. That’s because the more use you get out of it, the easier it is for power to flow through the cells.

If you have batteries USE THEM - Don’t leave them tucked away in your draw! 

Remove the cartomiser – Not many e-cig smokers know this, but removing the cartomiser, clearomiser or atomiser can prolong the lifespan of your battery by quite a bit. When the cartomiser is connected to the battery, it’s draining it bit by bit even when not in use. So, just getting into the habit of removing it should mean longer intervals between charging and an improved battery life.

Don’t drain all the battery – Waiting until the battery is completely drained before recharging will reduce its lifespan. This is because when the battery is completely drained it has to work harder to recharge itself. Think of the energy required to start pedalling a bike. It’s much easier to keep pedalling while moving than to get started, right?

Take care of the battery – Most e-cig users often neglect caring for their battery, but it’s vitally important if you want to extend its lifespan. If you always carry it in your pocket, then dust and lint can easily make its way inside small openings causing a malfunction.

This is one of the reasons why we urge our customers to invest in a carry case for their e-cig. They are designed to ensure that no dirt or debris finds its way into your e-cig and that it doesn’t take a knock!

Don’t store it empty – When you received your e-cig, you’ll probably have found it to be, or close to being fully charged. Storing at 50% or less will cause the battery to drain much quicker, and when you come back to it you might find that it’s drained completely.

Extending the life of your battery isn’t hard work and it’ll mean you can enjoy your favourite e-cig for a lot longer!

Happy Vaping!

9th Jul 2014 Daniel Frater

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