It’s Time to be a Responsible UK Adult and Make the Switch to E-cigs

There are those who need a little motivation when considering a transition from traditional cigarettes to E-cigs. Current smokers are looking to change, but only for the right reasons. There are several benefits E-cigs have over traditional tobacco cigarettes.

You can smell a smoker for hours after having a cigarette. That smoke stench clings to clothing, hair and anything else on the smoker’s person. This cigarette stench is noticeable to other smokers, so just imagine how non-smokers feel when forced to sit next to somebody who just puffed away at a Marlboro. Those who enjoy E-cigs don’t have to worry about any foul odor because e-cigs don’t produce any foul odors. The only smells produced by E-cigs are perhaps cotton candy, cafe mocha or any of the many flavors available for vaping. The choice is yours, you can walk around reeking of cigarette smoke or you can walk around smelling like cotton candy.

Let’s talk money. If you are a pack-a-day smoker, you will be spending a large amount of money every month supporting your unhealthy habit. In many cases, switching to E-cigs could cut that cost in half. Headline here should read something to the effect of “Former Smoker Makes The Switch And Saves Money.” So make the switch to E-cigs and keep that money in your pocket.

How about the social impact of cigarettes? If you think anybody wants you to light up in their home, you must be living in the past. Cigarettes are messy, as they produce ash, and they stink. This isn’t an opinion, it is a cold, hard fact. Ashes leave mess and smoke leaves people irritated and coughing. It’s time to be a responsible UK adult and make the switch to E-cigs, as they do not produce smoke or ash. Your friends will appreciate the switch.  

6th Feb 2014 Daniel Frater

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