E-cig etiquette – 3 things you need to know

With more and more smokers taking up the e-cig, there are more and more non-smokers becoming annoyed with e-cig users who don’t know the etiquette.

There are unwritten rules that every smoker should know, or be aware of regardless of whether they’re toking on a real cig or an e-cig. 

Read the crowd – The first rule of thumb is to know who’s around you and what’s going on around you. Although the cloud produced by an e-cig dissipates in seconds, has almost no smell and does not contain the harmful chemicals or hang around in the air like tobacco smoke does, not everyone enjoys the cloud of an e-cig while they’re sat waiting for their bus. 

Neither is inhaling a fog of smoke when you’re chomping down on your picnic in the park. 

So before you pull out the cig, have a look around you. Will other people be affected by it? And if so, will they mind?

Give people space and act with consideration.

Don’t preach – Switching to an e-cig is a step forward, and of course you are proud of your achievement, especially if you have tried and failed to quit the cigarettes before. But those who still smoke traditional cigs don’t need to know how much better it is every time you go out together. Sure, tell them when you’ve made the switch, invite them to try it by all means, but don’t ram it down their throat.

No one likes a preacher. And you don’t want to become the ‘annoying guy with the e-cig’.

Know the rules – Despite popular belief that you can smoke and toke an e-cig wherever you like, there are rules in place. It’s important that you understand these rules before you purchase an e-cig. At work for example, your company may have specific rules against it. Pubs and restaurants may also have their own rules, some are more open to allowing vaping than others. Know what’s allowed and what isn’t and you’ll be fine. You might be interested to read about Stealth Vaping

Now that you know that there’s some etiquette to vaping with your e-cig you’re ready to equip yourself. Here at Exhale Cigarette we have a wide selection of e-cigs available – from the starter packs to the more complex and advanced cigs – you’ll find everything you need right here in our online shop: Exhale

5th Aug 2014 Daniel Frater

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