5 ways that smoking affects your looks.

We all know how smoking damages our health. But what damage does it do to our appearance?

If you’re stuck to 10+ a day, this might just be enough to push you towards better, healthier e-cigs.

We all want to look great for as long as possible right?

Yellowed teeth

We’re all told to brush our teeth at least twice a day to keep those pearly whites white. But if you’re a smoker, it doesn’t matter how many times you brush your teeth. They’re still going to discolour.

That means to keep your teeth nice and white you’re going to have to fork out quite a lot of money on teeth whitening.

Yellow fingers

But it’s not just your teeth that cigs are going to stain. Your fingers will start to yellow too.

People will be able to tell you’re a smoker at just a glance.

But don’t worry! There are lots of remedies out on the web. From dipping them in lemon juice to scrubbing with steel wool. Ouch.

It’ll probably be easier to just switch to e-cigs.

Premature aging

Getting older isn’t something people get excited about. So why bring on an aged look while you’re still young through smoking?

Those 15 a day? They’ll wrinkle your skin well before it should. Experts have found that smoking accelerates aging.

So unless you want to look old give em’ up.

Tooth loss

Smoking doesn’t just yellow your teeth. It could mean that you lose them too.

There’s more of a chance that smokers will suffer from oral diseases and gum disease than non-smokers. So, never mind them turning yellow. Imagine them dropping out!

Hair thinning

That lovely head of hair you have? Well kiss it goodbye if you’re going to carry on smoking.

Some experts think that the chemicals in smoke can damage your hair follicles. Men who smoke are actually twice as like to lose their hair than those who don’t smoke.

So if you like the way you look and don’t want to look twice your age then it’s time to switch to e-cigs. 

14th Jan 2014 Exhale Cigarettes

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