About Us

EXhale Cigarettes Ltd - Go on - EXhale yourself

We've accrued many years of experience at EXhale Cigarettes Ltd. This has put us in a position where we are uniquely placed to be able to offer you not only a real alternative to traditional tobacco cigarettes but also the knowledge to offer you the right guidance and support in achieving your own wishes.
Our aim as a supplier of vaping products is to ensure that as our customer you’ll always feel that you’re in safe hands.
When you buy from EXhale's website you have our reassurance that:
  • We'll listen and respond to your customers needs.
  • We have a wealth of knowledge and will use that to help our customers successfully make the change from smoking tobacco products to vaping with electronic vaporisers.
  • We understand that when you decide to become a vaper, or are considering entering the world of the electronic cigarette it feels very overwhelming and will help you all we can.
  • We understand the many fears and axieties that a "new user" has. You are after all about to spend a significant amount of money, money that very likely is being taken from your alloted "smoking budget". We know that this in itself creates anxiety... once you've spent that money, the product you've invested it in simply has to work  - otherwise where will you find the money you need to buy the tobacco you would have had? We get it!
  • We understand that for many there is an added level of anxiety due to having tried to leave tobacco behind before and not having succeeding in the longterm (or at all).
We absolutely get it - we've walked these very same pathways - and at EXhale you have the reassurance that we'll be in it with you, walking along right beside you.
We're proud to be UK vapers and are passionate about using this product as an alternative to smoking - we can show you that vaping really does 'work'.
Success is yours for the asking. The products available to you today have improved enormously since the days when we first vaped. There has been rapid advancement and many improvements in vaping technology. Each new product released has been created through user experience rather than being commercial and profit led, each new product better honed toward making your transition enjoyable, super-smooth and very easy. And don't forget, we're here to guide and support you all the way. 
This means that once you've chosen and have your eCig kit, we do all we can to ensure that your vaping journey will be a real long-term & permanent success. Using knowledge gained through our contact with manufacturers together with own and our customer's experiences we've created detailed guides aimed at teaching you how to keep your vaping satisfying, making sure that your transition leads you toward permanently attaining your goals, enjoying your newfound freedom and better health.
EXhale strives to be the very best electronic cigarette and vaping accessories supplier in the UK. It's mission; to provide its customers with the finest products available in the marketplace.
In striving toward achievement of this goal we continually devote time and effort. Our ideas, experiences and passion instrumental in the creation of an ever-extending product line, one that consists of a compelling variety of electronic cigarettes to suit every kind of user, a wide selection of e-liquids and vaping accessories for maintenance and kit expansion.
As the industry continues to develop we go on sampling, testing products and (only when they pass muster) adding them to our range developing new categories of products targeted specifically toward those customers we already serve.
We're enormously enthusiastic about our products and see their importance and ability in being able to allow smokers in the UK to finally have healthier alternatives with not only more options and viable choices, but products that actually do as they are intended to.
We want to aid smokers take back their freedom and believe that by vaping these one time smokers can regain the experience they once enjoyed and which for so long has been frowned upon.
To achieve this we're working diligently to make the electronic cigarette a mainstream, healthier smoking tool, and we believe our dedication and passion is what puts us in the best position to provide our customers with the best vaping experience they've ever had.
EXhale is proud to have been at the forefront of some of the most amazing new innovations in the industry. Teamed with some of the biggest names in the e-Cig manufacturing world and sharing what we have learned through our own and our customers experiences we've been able to work with design engineers to eradicate some of the worst problems experienced by early vapers who were using the most primitive early versions of the electronic cigarette. Back then leaking and dryburn were persistent everyday occurrences. This collaborative approach has witnessed massive improvements and growth assistive in ironing out the most common defects and niggling problems and continues to introduce ideas and product innovations.  All this is only possible because we are passionate and are committed to vaping and to you, our customer.
If you’re contemplating the idea of making the change and see yourself turning away from tobacco products and using vaping as a tool to achieve this you can be 100% confident that EXhale will be one of the most useful tools in your box.
Come on in, take a look around, see what we have to offer you. Watch our videos, read customer testimonials, ask questions, buy with confidence.
Take your time in choosing what is right for you and always remember, we’re here to help.

Dan & the EXhale team