The Global E-Cigarette and Vaporiser Market – Analysis and Forecast 2015-2025

The Global E-Cigarette and Vaporiser Market – Analysis and Forecast 2015-2025

It appears that the good news is going to just keep piling up for the vaping industry. In recent posts we had already informed you about the latest "Health England" report on vaping, the recognition, for the first time, by the NHS, of an electronic cigarette as a stop smoking aid, and the wonderful example that the good Council of Bristol has set for the people of that fair city and now we bring you the latest report on the future outlook for the vaping world as a whole.

While many have been surprised by the rapid growth of the e-cigarette industry in England over the last few years, for those of us on the cutting edge of the movement it has come as no surprise.

Vaping is Now Number One

With 2 million Britain's turning to e-cigs in 2015 and vape shops popping up on every High Street in the country vaping is now the number one fastest growing industry in the country. In fact, according to the latest numbers, the Electronic Cigarette Industry grew at an astounding 24% over the course of 2015 and is expected to far outstrip that number in the coming year.

What it means for you

The reason that you, as a vaper, should care is that big growth brings big money investors and big investors bring political clout, something that our industry is sorely in need of.

While many, myself included, may decry our industry losing its innocence and shifting from near cottage status to big business, we have to remember that it is only with the influence this shift brings, that we will be able to survive and withstand attacks like the one we currently face with the EU vote next month.

26th Apr 2016 Daniel Frater

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