The 5 weirdest electronic cigarette flavours

E-cigs are popular because of the vast range of flavours that are available to users. Rather than smoking a traditional cigarette and smelling of tobacco, you can choose strawberry or apple. Sounds nice doesn’t it?

But those are fairly reserved flavours. There are some that are a little more 'out there' for example:

Ketchup – A lot of people like ketchup with their food. They douse their fish and chips with it. Throw it on a burger. Spread it on their sandwiches. But there aren’t many people who like to sit and drink it on its own.

Which begs the question: why have it as an e-liquid? Well it is a thing. So if you can’t get enough of tomato sauce, you’ll be able to vape it too.

Blue cheese – For those of you with... bolder taste buds this could be the ideal option. Perfect if you love the cheese but hate the smell.

Sit back, relax and vape your blue cheese flavoured e-cigarette. Madness!

Bacon – I’m sure everyone (apart from you veggies) will agree that bacon is a wonderful meat. Perfect for a hangover or with your morning breakfast. But how would you like to vape an e-cig flavoured like bacon?

Well you can. So, if you’re hungover and want a bacon butty, you don’t have to make one. Just puff away on your e-cig!

Beer – You’ve had a long week at work. It’s been stressful. You’ve been running up and down non stop. You deserve a nice pint of beer, don’t you?

But a pint is expensive! So why not pick up some beer flavoured e-liquid. You don’t have to endure that hefty process of the pub and you can watch TV!

Garlic bread – Garlic bread goes with anything in my eyes. But smoking an e-cig flavoured like it? Maybe not.

I’d rather stick to the baguette with my lasagne.

Have you heard of even weirder flavours than these? If so let us know! 

23rd Apr 2014 Daniel Frater

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