Electronic cigarette studies you need to pay attention to..

Most people who are against the e-cig cite a lack of research as one of their biggest turn offs. Sadly many people shrug their shoulders, agree with them and don’t bother looking into e-cigs any further.

Well, despite this myth, there have been quite a few studies into e-cigs. And we’re going to look at some of the ones that you should be paying attention to here.

It doesn’t impact heart health: A study was published by The International Journal of Environmental Research (quite a mouthful) on how e-liquid can impact heart cells.

They tested 20 different types and came to the conclusion that they have no negative effects on cardiac cells.

Health improves after switching to e-cigs: University researchers carried out a study to see how opting for the e-cig influences health.

Their findings?

That 91% of those who switched had improved health. And a massive 97% no longer had chronic coughs.

They don’t stiffen arteries: Smoking just two cigarettes causes the aorta to stiffen. But a study by the Onassis Cardiac Surgery Centre in Greece found that e-cigs don’t do the same.

They help people quit: One of the major arguments for e-cigs is that they help people kick the tobacco habit. And a study determined that flavoured e-cigs are huge contributors in reducing smoking of tobacco!

They don’t lead to smoking amongst teens: Another common rebuttal from e-cig critics is that e-cigs can be a gateway that will lead to teens into smoking harmful tobacco. But research conducted at the University of Oklahoma says otherwise.

Out of 1,300 students, only one person that used the e-cig went on to start smoking tobacco cigs. Just one.

Second hand smoke poses no risks: A French study found that cigarette smoke could linger for up to 20 minutes. But e-cig vapour dissipated in around 11 seconds on average meaning that second-hand exposure isn’t a public risk,

So there you go. 6 studies that show e-cigs aren’t the demon many make them out to be! 

23rd Apr 2014 Daniel Frater

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